OGRe 6.x

OGRe 6.x


On going modifications to deal with the minor bugs and annoying behavior.

OGRe 6.0 was rolled out just in time for MACE 20! I have worked for the past 2 months straight on it and I think I have a stable now. I am going to get a few people to look at it, get them to run some tests before I move it over to the live site.

There were a lot of changes on the mobile side. It is a little more simplified there but you sacrifice functionality for simplicity.

Notable changes/additions are…

  • You can download the entire schedule in CSV format, which can be opened in a spreadsheet like Excel.
  • You can sign into and out of a game from what I call the Game Information dialog. (this was done for the mobile side primarily)
  • GMs can share their GM schedule on FB (click My Schedule and if you have GM access, you will see a FB Share button at the bottom).
  • I finally “finished” the admin side so its a fully functional application.
  • The largest changes involved making it functional for other conventions. I hope to have a workable soon for the cons that want to use it.

I also debugged a lot, hopefully eliminating some frustration. However, with the changes I have made, more bugs are bound to pop up. When i tis rolled out, I will ask you to report any problems you might be having to me.

I know it does not seem like a lot but that admin piece was huge.  Additionally, redesigning it for multiple con organizers was big.  On top of that, I upgraded to the latest JQuery, and the last 2.x version of CodeIgniter.  My next big advancement is moving it to CodeIgniter 3.x.  I am only a year behind.

My biggest fear is that the changes I made for the multiple con aspect will not behave the way I expect.  Which is why we will be doing as much testing as we can.  Please contact me if you have any questions or comment below.  I don’t exactly take suggestions, because this beast is enough to handle as it is, but I do occasionally listen to ideas for new features.


OGRe 6.0.1 has been rolled out just in time for MACE West 2017! I have worked for the past week or so to get a few important changes integrated.

Notable changes/additions are…

  • I now can print anyone’s tickets, schedule and/or player list from gaming registration (as long as I have a working printer). I can also email the PDF to you if prefer.
  • Password encryption and tighter security around the passwords.

I also debugged a few things, hopefully eliminating some frustration. However, with the changes we have made, more bugs are bound to pop up. We ask you to report any problems you might be having to us.


OGRe 6.0.2 has been rolled out just in time for MACE West 2017! I have worked for the past week or so to get a few important changes integrated.

Notable changes/additions are…

  • There was a default behavior when I manually activated GMs that did not make sense to people so now OGRe schedules your activation status more often (every time you change a page)
  • Found a bug in relation to activation when you changed between events or cons. Some people may have gotten access to OGRe prematurely.

I also debugged a few things, hopefully eliminating some frustration. However, with the changes we have made, more bugs are bound to pop up. We ask you to report any problems you might be having to us.